OK so I saw Sucker Punch the other day.

Sucker Punch Poster

Great visuals...

I’ve been trying to figure out how to go about this since I’m sure the 4 people who read this and the 15-20 random clicks I get from Facebook are going to be angry about it.

I didn’t care for it.

It started out very promising, poignant, stylish from the start, those flashy good looks that Zack Snyder’s known for, but a good concept (in the vein of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil) was given poor treatment. Character development was too sparse; Brazil worked because of the personalities of the characters, Sucker Punch was lacking.  It had a quest element that I was excited about, but it’s too easy to identify the early plot markers, so the exposition sequence later is less rewarding to the viewer than it should have been. You end up feeling a bit let down.

Visually the film is outstanding. Details jump out at you, the backgrounds during the metaphor sequences were stunning, and the action therin was fantastic. Choreography was spot on. The costumes were a bit anachronistic, being the movie is set in the 50’s, but they appeal to the young male demographic the movie is clearly aimed at. The live sets are detailed and gorgeous as well, and definitely provide a proper feeling of foreboding.

All this cannot save it from a lack of character development and a forced twist that adds nothing to the merit of the movie.

If you want a mindless action spectacular, you could do worse. It’s made to appeal to that crowd.
If you like your movies a little less prosaic in the intellectual department, avoid Sucker Punch.